The Harry
Potter World has become like a legend among youngsters: it is full of fascinating
creatures, of inspiring characters, of mysterious spells and magic. Who hasn’t
ever dreamed about being part of this fabulous universe, or imagined himself being
Harry while playing in the playground? Well, I haven’t.

Can you imagine the nightmare of parents who send their children to this remote place, with no guarantee that they will survive in such a dangerous environment!
I guess the last thing they'd expect is their children transforming themselves in some weird animals
because they didn’t pronounce the spell properly… And what if… they run
into the wall at station 9 ¾ and the trick doesn’t work?? Can you imagine?
Harry Potter’s world is so unpredictable. You have a permanent feeling of insecurity
and simply can’t enjoy life with snakes, monsters, ghosts and finally Voldemort
around you! I mean. What can be more scary than stairs moving under you? What
can be more disturbing than paintings that suddenly start talking and observing
Besides, would you seriously agree if the texts and emails were replaced by
owls carrying letters? Come on, just admit that Harry Potter World is a denial
of progress. Remember Arthur Weasley asking Harry for hours how
an electrical plug works. Of
course wizards live very well without superficial things such as electricity,
cars, Iphones, IPads, Television and the list goes on. But all these elements
happen to be useful sometimes, you know?
You like
the candlelit halls of Hogwards? Well go to Cambridge, honestly it’s almost the same. Wanna
play Quidditch? Then you should know that since 2007, quidditch championships
are organized all over the world.
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