Following the recent events in Charlottesville - originally linked to the destruction of Robert Lee's statue - the trend of destroying historical monuments now extends to Baltimore, reports the Baltimore Sun. And it seems like vandalizing these statues has become a way of fighting against the symbols of white supremacism.
On a video that has been posted on Youtube, we could see a man who attempts to destroy the statue of the Italian explorer, hitting it with a sledgehammer several times. His identity is yet not defined, but we could understand that he justifies his action by the fact that Columbus was a "terrorist" who had committed genocide, and exterminated the local population when he discovered the continent. This spirit of revenge reminds me the statement of George Ciccariello who said in a tweet, that he wished a White genocide for Christmas.
But this sudden wave of anti-racism goes beyond a mere destruction of Columbus' statue. Indeed, as a reporter from Baltimore Sun explains, "the Baltimore City Council last year considered renaming Columbus Day, celebrated in October, as “Indigenous Peoples’ and Italian-Americans’ Day.” "
Moreover, Confederate monuments keep being destroyed in the area, facing increasing indignation from people who consider them as a celebration of war heroes.
Photo Credits: Pamela Wood / Baltimore Sun
On a video that has been posted on Youtube, we could see a man who attempts to destroy the statue of the Italian explorer, hitting it with a sledgehammer several times. His identity is yet not defined, but we could understand that he justifies his action by the fact that Columbus was a "terrorist" who had committed genocide, and exterminated the local population when he discovered the continent. This spirit of revenge reminds me the statement of George Ciccariello who said in a tweet, that he wished a White genocide for Christmas.
But this sudden wave of anti-racism goes beyond a mere destruction of Columbus' statue. Indeed, as a reporter from Baltimore Sun explains, "the Baltimore City Council last year considered renaming Columbus Day, celebrated in October, as “Indigenous Peoples’ and Italian-Americans’ Day.” "
Moreover, Confederate monuments keep being destroyed in the area, facing increasing indignation from people who consider them as a celebration of war heroes.
Photo Credits: Pamela Wood / Baltimore Sun
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