Macron's (too) complicated thoughts

French President Emmanuel Macron has chosen a particular style of communication. Unlike his predecessor, he doesn't aspire to be a "normal" president, close to the people, and ready to establish a dialog with his citizens. Identifying himself with Jupiter, he has made it clear from the beginning: his media appearances will be rare, and he won't have time to engage in controversial debates.
He even declined the traditional interview of July, 14th because, according to some government sources, his "ideas were too complex".
However, at the same time, he doesn't really pay attention to the codes of political language, sometimes leading to a general indignation.
So here are some of his most striking quotes... will you still say his ideas are "complex"?

1. "Some people, instead of messing around, should better look for a job"
2. "The best way to buy yourself a suit is to work"
3. "I will not yield to the lazy, to the cynical and to the extreme" (surprinsingly, a great number of people felt concerned by the word lazy)
4. "I'm not here to butter the bread".
5. "In a way, we're like prostitutes: working is about seducing"
